68 research outputs found

    Manfaat Ekologis dan Finansial Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Agroindustri sebagai Bahan Baku dalam Produksi Biogas untuk Mereduksi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca(ecological And Financial Benefits Of Agro-industrial Wastewater Utilization AS Raw Mater

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    Agroindustries in general produce a large amount of organic wastewater. Until now, most of this organics waste-stream was not recovered and left to decompose anaerobically in ponds, where it emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By anaerobically digesting of the effluents in a suitable bioreactor, methane can be captured and used for combustion in gas engines or boilers. This way, uncontrolled methane emission from the anaerobic decomposition can be avoided and the utilization of fossil fuels can be replaced partly with the renewable biogas from the decomposition process. In addition, the approach of reducing green house gas emission is potentially to earn financial incentive through Clean Development Mechanism project. This paper demonstrates quantitatively some potential ecological and economical benefits derived from utilising agroindustrial effluents by treating it anaerobically to generate biogas (with cases of cane sugar factory, starch industry, palm oil mill, and tofu industry) . As illustration, for each ton cane sugar produced app. 15 m3 methane can be emitted from uncontrolled anaerobic degradation of it wastewater. By capturing the gas and transforming it into renewable biogas, a methane emission of equivalent to ā‰ˆ 272 kg CO2 can be avoided and an energy value of app. 427 MJ with a money value of app. Rp 59 600,- can be obtained. In addition, a financial incentive of app. Rp 14 850,- is possible to be earned from clean development mechanism (CDM) project. The ecological and financial benefits derived from anaerobic treatment of agroindustrial wastewater as indicated by this study should therefore become the driving force for the implementation of the approach

    Production Process of Liquid Fertilizer From Banana Trunk

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    Banana a plant that many grow in Indonesia. Utilization of banana mostly just takes the fruitand leaves, while the trunk of banana has not been much used. The existence of Ca, P and K in bananatrunk, then the banana trunk can be used as alternative raw material for the production of liquidfertilizer. Produce liquid fertilizer from banana trunk done with the extraction process using a processtemperature of 700C and stirring speed of 240 rpm. Results from the extraction process to analyzelevels of Ca, P and K. Where available Ca content: 16.2% weight, P content: 30.05% weight and Kcontent: 21.5% weight with volume 600 ml of solvent and 15 minutes of stirring time

    Obedience of Control and the Level of Blood Sugar in Kediri Baptis Hospital

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    Obedience controls carried out someone who suffers from a disease that requires control or check at the hospital. If the patient is less obedience will affect blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study to analyze compliance with the control of blood sugar levels at Baptist Hospital Kediri. The study design was cross-sectional. The population were patients with diabetes mellitus who controls or checks at Baptist Hospital Kediri. The sample of 81 respondents who met the inclusion criteria using accidental sampling. The independent variables was obedience control and the dependent variable was compliance control blood sugar levels. Data were collected using questionnaires and observation sheets laboratory using glukocard tool. The statistical test used "Spearman's Rho" with a significance level of Ī± ā‰¤ 0.05 and the test result is Ļ = 0.489,means that Ho is accepted. Result no correlation with compliance control blood sugar levels at Baptist Hospital Kediri. It can be concluded that there is no correlation of compliance with the control of blood sugar levels at Baptist Hospital Kediri

    Konsep Dasar Hukum sebagai Norma Sosial: Studi pada UU No 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk  mengetahui konsep dasar hukum sebagai norma sosial (studi pada UU No 1 tahun 1974 dan KHI). Focus kajian pada aspek nilai-nilai dasar hukum dan pada aspek penegakan hukum keluarga. Adapun yang menjadi alasan mengapa dua aspek tersebut perlu dikaji  karena  adanya fenomena unik dalam penerapan hukum keluarga yang belum bisa diterima seratus persen oleh masyarakat Indonesia tetapi eksistensinya masih dipertahankan oleh pemerintah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan makalah ini adalah metode perpustakaan (library research). Makalah ini menghasilkan dua hal. Pertama, bahwa nilai-nilai dasar yang ada pada hukum keluarga di Indonesia adalah keadilan dan kemanfaatan. Kedua nilai tersebut saling menunjang. Namun kedua nilai dasar hukum tersebut belum menghasilkan ketertiban seratus persen dalam masyarakat.  Hal ini dikarenakan pilihan pemerintah dalam menggunakan metode Perumusan hukum dengan metode analisis normative sehingga  tidak bersifat otoriter dan tidak memiliki sasaran untuk mengharuskan  masyarakat untuk tunduk pada hukum keluarga secara paksa. Namun kekurangan metode ini dapat ditutupi dengan konten hukum yang berkemampuan untuk merubah masyarakat untuk mentransformasi diri tunduk pada hukum keluarga ketika sudah mendapatkan pemahaman yang tepat dan apabila mendapatkan permasalahan hukum. Kedua, Penegakan hukum keluarga Islam telah ditunjang oleh pranata hukum dan pranata sosial. Sebagian masyarakat telah mengunakan pranata tersebut dalam mendapatkan keadilan dan kemanfaatan, sehingga hukum keluarga dapat berfungsi sebagai institusi sosial yang melindungi masyarakat

    Anxiety Reduction Efforts to Mother with Baby in High Risk Perinatal Room Through Therapeutic Communication

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    Mothers will experience anxiety when a baby has a critical health condition and should be treated in intensive care. The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of therapeutic communication in decreasing mothers anxiety levels with infant in high-risk perinatal. The research design was pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. Population is mothers with babies who were treated in a high-risk perinatal, as many as 20 respondents, samples were taken with a total sampling method for a month, data taken through a structured interview. Given intervention is therapeutic communication with the variable being measured maternal anxiety. Analyst with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test with Ī±Ā£0.05. The results showed maternal anxiety levels before treatment were 50% and 65% after light treatment, and the results of statistical test obtained p = 0.001 which showed there is significant effect of giving therapeutic communication in reducing maternal anxiety. It was concluded that giving therapeutic communication by nurses can reduce the level of mothers anxiety with babies in intensive care


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    Writing is one of the four language skills that plays a very important role in language learning. Writing is important because the learners can express their ideas, feeling, and experiences in certain place, time, and situation in written form. This research was about improving the students writing skill of the eight grade of SMPN 2 Tanjungsari Lampung Selatan in the academic year of 2017/2018. The eight grade studentsā€™ problems in learning writing were the students were not interested in learning writing skill and they could not gather their ideas and got difficulties to write sentences. Guided writing technique gives enough opportunity for the student to be a good writer. It helps students understanding about writing and following the teaching and learning process well. In this research, the researcher used collaborative action research as research design. It was conducted into three cycles and each cycle consisted of two meetings and involved four steps namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The research data were collected by using observation, questionnaire, and test. The subject of this research was A class of the eight grade of SMPN 2 Tanjungsari Lampung Selatan which consist of 25 students. After the data were analyzed, it was found that the result of the test after each cycle showed that there was significant improvement in studentsā€™ writing skill, especially in writing recount text. The mean score of the test in cycle I was 60.12, it improved into 69.04 from test in cycle II, and it improved into 77.68 from test in cycle III. And the students were more interested in learning writing recount text. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that there were the students improvement in writing skill in recount text by using guided writing at the second semester of the eight grade of SMPN 2 Tanjungsari Lampung Selatan in the academic year of 2017/2018

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pengolahan Air Bersih dengan Perbaikan Proses Oksidasi (Studi Kasus di Instalasi Pengolahan Air PT. Jababeka)

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    Penghilangan zat pencemar berupa senyawa organik, amonium, nitrit dan besi serta mangan pada proses pengolahan air dilakukan dengan proses oksidasi seperti dengan aerasi, maupun dengan bahan kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kinerja terbaik untuk proses oksidasi yaitu kemampuan mereduksi bahan pencemar pada konsentrasi dan waktu reaksi optimum dari penggunaan oksidator : klorin, ozon dan peroxone (H2O2/O3). Percobaan dirancang dengan central composite design (CCD) sementara untuk mendapatkan kondisi proses yang optimum dianalisa dengan response surface method (RSM). Percobaan untuk memperoleh komposisi konsentrasi dan waktu reaksi masing-masing bahan kimia oksidator (klorin, ozon dan peroxone) dilakukan sebanyak 13 percobaan. Optimasi pemakaian klorin menggunakan SRM menghasilkan reduksi senyawa organik (KMnO4) sebesar 75,1% l pada konsentrasi 15,25 ppm dan waktu reaksi 17,07 menit. Optimasi pemakaian ozon menghasilkan reduksi senyawa organik (KMnO4) sebesar 26,9% pada konsentrasi ozon 4,04 ppm dan waktu reaksi 12,1 menit. Optimasi oksidator peroxone mampu mereduksi 41,5% senyawa organik (KMnO4) pada konsentrasi 4,04 ppm dan waktu reaksi 12,1 menit

    Strategi Pengelolaan Sungai Cibanten Provinsi Banten Berdasarkan Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Air Dan Kapasitas Asimilasi

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    Cibanten river is one of the most potential to be developed as a source of raw water. Crucial issues at Cibanten river is the increasing load of water pollution as indicated by parameter BOD, COD and TSS. This study aimed to estimate the amount of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in Cibanten river, analyze the quality Status of the Cibanten river water, analyze the capacity of assimilation, and determine management strategy of Cibanten river of Banten Province. TMDL of BOD were determined by modeling Qual2KW and the results were compared with the second class water quality standards to regulation No. 82/2001. Management strategy of Cibanten river determined by analysis of the results of an expert survey method with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Quality Status of the Cibanten river water with pollution index was light raiment and storet method of Raw Water Quality class II belong was heavy raiment. Results of the simulation calculation of TMDL, the total load of pollution in the Cibanten BOD was730 tons/month while the TMDL of BOD was 146.801 tons/month. Results of the analysis of assimilation capacity COD was 24208 tons/month. Results of the analysis methods of survey expert with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) is monitoring and surveillance as an alternative management strategies with the highest priority of the Cibanten river (agregate value 0.202) and following up the monitoring results
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